What is fuel dilution and why is it bad?

What is Fuel Dilution? Have you wondered too? Well, it is what occurs when gasoline or diesel fuel enter your engine’s crankcase and dilute the motor oil. How does this happen though?

This actually happens because of a number of factors like loads of idle time for the machine, incomplete combustion, low engine temperatures, frequent short trips or dirty fuel injectors. It’s not limited to this but these could be the probable reasons for fuel dilation to occur. It needs to be known that certain machines are prone to this dilation if kept idle for a long time.

Fuel dilation is not good for the machine and here is where you need to understand that oils and raw materials must be purchased from trusted lubricant manufacturers, because here the quality of the lubricants and oils matter the most. 

Why else is Fuel Dilation bad? Well, it causes problems in the injection system leading to poor combustion in the engine. Apart from this, the machinery will not perform to its utmost utilization, not giving you the complete benefits.

Trusted lubricant companies understand the important of fuel dilation and avoid it at all costs – as it tends to spoil the machinery. There are always limits to these kind of activities and lubricant suppliers can guide you best on how to go about purchasing the best lubricants in the market.

So to understand the point, fuel must not mix with lubricants as it reduces the viscosity of the oil – and this may lead to the oil film’s incapability of holding heavy loads, and this friction will cause wear and tear of the machine. So always go for high-quality engine oil which will ensure that fuel dilation chances are minimized, ensuring full efficiency of the machinery.

Check out Texol Lubricants in Dubai, one of the leading and most reliable lubricant manufacturers in Dubai – for the best quality engine oils and lubricants.

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